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VIDEO: Lansing Lugnuts on eclipse day

August 22, 2017
<p>&nbsp;Anne Paquet-Howard, who graduated from MSU 47 years ago, watches the eclipse as it peeks out of cloud cover at the Lansing Lugnuts game on Aug. 22, 2017.&nbsp;</p>

 Anne Paquet-Howard, who graduated from MSU 47 years ago, watches the eclipse as it peeks out of cloud cover at the Lansing Lugnuts game on Aug. 22, 2017. 

When the Lansing Lugnuts took on the South Bend Cubs Monday afternoon, the stadium lights stayed on for most of the game. Even though it started at 12:00 p.m.

The Lugnuts held "solar eclipse day" at Cooley Law School Stadium for the game, providing the first 1,000 attendees with free eclipse glasses. Play was briefly stopped during peak totality in the last third of the game, allowing a few minutes of uninterrupted viewing.

Lansing resident Nora Berens wasn't able to drive down to see the total eclipse, so she decided to come to the game.

"I mean, why not?" Berens said. "You get a beer and a baseball game, and you get to see something rare."

The Lugnuts eventually fell to the Cubs 8-7 in extra innings.

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