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Grand River Barber Co. moving to old Velvet location

June 27, 2017

Grand River Barber Company is moving from its current lofted location above the former Sundance Jewelry spot to the former location of Velvet: A Candy Store at 507 Grand River Ave.

GRBC has not made an official announcement, but it has left a decal and a shirt hanging in the new location’s window as a symbol of the impending move. 

Renovations have begun, though smatterings of old Velvet decals remain on the glass doorway and the adjacent windows along with the tiled floor.  

Velvet was a custom design, modeled after Victorian era shops but renovations are expected to be done by July 7 when GRBC is slated to open its new doors, employee Lucas Dawson said. 

GRBC is moving to make way for the newly approved Center City District development which will encompass both Albert Avenue and Grand River Avenue. 

“We were already planning on making the move to a different location but not as soon as they wanted us to,” Dawson said. 

The move and renovations will give GRBC a storefront and a more prominent Grand River Avenue presence. 

“It's twice as big, we’ll have a lot more barbers, a lot better turnout,” Dawson said of the new location. “Since it's a bigger space there will be a lot more services too.”

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