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President Simon releases statement regarding Nassar allegations

February 3, 2017
Michigan State University President Lou Anna K. Simon speaks during an MSU board of trustees meeting on Feb.19, 2016 at the Hannah Administration Building. During the meeting, members of the board discussed various topics, including the University's efforts to help the individuals dealing with the water crisis in Flint.
Michigan State University President Lou Anna K. Simon speaks during an MSU board of trustees meeting on Feb.19, 2016 at the Hannah Administration Building. During the meeting, members of the board discussed various topics, including the University's efforts to help the individuals dealing with the water crisis in Flint.

MSU President Lou Anna K. Simon sent an email statement to MSU community members on Friday regarding the sexual abuse allegations against former MSU employee Larry Nassar.

MSU is being advised by an external law firm in the Nassar case, according to the statement.

"The MSU Police Department is dedicating significant resources to this investigation and is coordinating with the U.S. Attorney's Office and the state Attorney General," Simon said in the statement. "We are fully cooperating with every aspect of the ongoing criminal investigations and have urged all members of the MSU community to do so as well."

This statement comes after a motion, filed on Jan. 27, alleged that MSU student-athletes were told by university representatives not to speak to the police or the media, as previously reported by The State News.

The MSU community "will undoubtedly see more" allegations against Nassar, Simon said in the statement.

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