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MSU Police report burglary, investigate criminal sexual conduct cases

January 25, 2017

Two cases of criminal sexual conduct and a burglary are among the cases that have been reported to MSU police recently. For a detailed list of all crimes that have occurred on campus, visit the Clery Crime Log.


MSU police reported a home invasion on Jan. 14 in Hubbard Hall.

"The victims reported that they left their room at 2 p.m. and returned at (10 p.m.) and they had property missing from their room," MSU police Capt. Doug Monette said. "The property missing from their room were some shoes and a jacket."

A detective conducted a follow-up investigation, but no new information was obtained, Monette said.

There are currently no suspects.

Criminal Sexual Conduct

Two reports of criminal sexual conduct that occurred in the past month have been recorded in the Clery Crime Log. Since the cases are active, MSU police cannot comment on them.

On Jan. 17, MSU police received a report of third-degree criminal sexual conduct at University Village Apartments. According to the Clery Crime Log, the incident occurred at 2 a.m. on Jan. 16.

Another report of third-degree criminal sexual conduct was received by MSU police on Jan. 20. The incident occurred at Lot 65 at 8:38 a.m. 

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