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Four more added to U.S. District Court lawsuit against Nassar

January 26, 2017
Michigan Attorney General Bill Schuette speaks to press regarding the arrest and investigation of ex-MSU faculty member Larry Nassar on Nov. 22, 2016 in G. Mennen Williams Building at 525 W. Ottawa St. in Lansing.
Michigan Attorney General Bill Schuette speaks to press regarding the arrest and investigation of ex-MSU faculty member Larry Nassar on Nov. 22, 2016 in G. Mennen Williams Building at 525 W. Ottawa St. in Lansing.

Four more alleged victims have been added to the U.S. District Court lawsuit against former MSU employee Larry Nassar, according to a statement from Grand Rapids law firm Drew, Cooper and Anding.

All four additional women were allegedly assaulted while under the medical care of Nassar, and were 10 to 17 years old at the time of the assault. Two of the new plaintiffs were still minors when the lawsuit was filed on Jan. 25.

The lawsuit alleges that MSU had the ability to prevent the abused allegedly committed by Nassar, but failed to do so.

“What is especially disturbing about these new cases is that some of these alleged assaults occurred after a sexual harassment investigation in 2014,” attorney Stephen Drew said in the statement. “Our Complaint alleges the institutional failure to enforce policies and adequately supervise and monitor Dr. Nassar after complaints of sexual assault were made allowed Dr. Nassar to assault new victims.”

Nassar’s U.S. District Court trial begins Feb. 21.

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