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Protesters to encourage Electoral College to not vote Trump

December 16, 2016
Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump points to the crowd after finishing his speech on Nov. 7, 2016 at DeVos Place Convention Center in Grand Rapids, Mich. The DeVos Place Convention Center was Trump's last stop for the 2016 election season.
Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump points to the crowd after finishing his speech on Nov. 7, 2016 at DeVos Place Convention Center in Grand Rapids, Mich. The DeVos Place Convention Center was Trump's last stop for the 2016 election season.

A rally intended to implore Michigan’s Electoral College to reject President-elect Donald Trump is scheduled for noon Monday at the Michigan State Capitol.

The “Vote Your Conscience Rally” event is being organized by “Stop Trump Ann Arbor,” according the the Capitol’s website. Trump won Michigan by a margin of nearly 11,000 votes, taking with him the state’s 16 electoral votes, which the protesters hope to turn faithless

Diane Petryk, an MSU alumna and Lansing resident, said the rally is part of a greater “December 19” campaign, which intends to rally at every state capitol this Monday to convince electors to refuse to vote for Trump.

“The Electoral College is supposed to act as a firewall against someone who is unfit (to become) president, or against somebody who is a puppet of a foreign power becoming president, and Donald Trump is both unfit and a puppet of a foreign power,” Jessica Prozinski, co-founder of Stop Trump Ann Arbor, said.

The protesters plan to enter the Capitol Building following the rally, then getting as close as possible to the electors with hopes of encouraging them to not vote Trump, Prozinski said.

“We want to be there, basically, to help give them courage,” Prozinski said. “I’m sure that there are a lot of electors that are sort of wavering right now, they feel like in good conscience they couldn’t vote for Donald Trump, but that is a hard thing to do, especially for the electors who are really just regular people.”

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