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Voters line up at IM Sports-West, polls across country for election

November 8, 2016
People wait in line to vote on Nov. 8, 2016 at IM West.
People wait in line to vote on Nov. 8, 2016 at IM West.

Tuesday afternoon, students lined up at IM Sports-West to cast their vote in the 2016 election. For some, it was their first presidential election. 

Many students said participating in the presidential election for the first time made them feel empowered and influential.

“It feels like I have power, I never voted before, it feels like I have a say-so in who will be president and everything else,” electrical engineering freshman Larnye Greene said. 

Greene said he cast his vote for Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton.

Supply chain management junior Austin Latack said he knows his vote is important.

“It feels good to know that I’m actually contributing to America’s future and my decision does matter,” Latack said.

Latack said he usually supports third party candidates, but voted for Clinton in the election.

“I think there were a lot of implications in this election and this decision, but I do think that one candidate was more clearly obvious for a better future than the other,” Latack said.

Chemistry junior Robin Declercq said being able to vote felt great, and it's awesome everyone has a chance to have a voice in the election.

“People get to go and express their values and go and show their support for whoever they support, and they’re able to express themselves through their vote, so I think that’s pretty great,” Declercq said.

Declercq declined to share who she voted for.

Psychology sophomore Daniel Weiner said it was nice to finally exercise his right to vote. Weiner said the election is meaningful to him because America’s next president will make rules affecting him and other students entering the job market after graduation.

“It’s a great right that we have, that a lot of countries and a lot of people around the world would like to have, and I think as an American (it’s) something we should all take advantage of,” Weiner said.

Weiner said he voted for Clinton, but most of his friends are voting for Trump.

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