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Voter intimidation reported at E.L. precinct

November 8, 2016
Communication senior Kim Nguyen walks by a voting sign on March 8, 2016 on the steps of the MSU Union. Nguyen voted earlier today in the Michigan presidential primary election.
Communication senior Kim Nguyen walks by a voting sign on March 8, 2016 on the steps of the MSU Union. Nguyen voted earlier today in the Michigan presidential primary election.

The East Lansing Police Department received a report of voter intimidation Tuesday morning.

At 7:53 a.m. Ingham County Clerk Barb Byrum received an email that reported a possible incident of voter intimidation at an East Lansing polling location.

A witness saw a man talking to two women wearing hijabs, Byrum said.

"(He) singled out the two women and tried to direct them to a different polling location," Byrum said.

The witness told the poll workers about the incident, Byrum said.

"As he was leaving, he saw the poll workers asking the gentleman to leave, and the gentleman was refusing," Byrum said.

Byrum reported the incident to East Lansing City Clerk Marie Wicks, who reported the incident to the authorities.

"I have zero tolerance for voter intimidation or harassment," Byrum said. "The poll workers did exactly what they should have done and Clerk Wicks did exactly what she should have done." 

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