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Mike Pence stops in Lansing to rally for Donald Trump

November 4, 2016
Republican vice presidential nominee Mike Pence gives a speech on Nov. 4, 2016 at the Capital Region International Airport in Lansing, Mich.
Republican vice presidential nominee Mike Pence gives a speech on Nov. 4, 2016 at the Capital Region International Airport in Lansing, Mich.

Vice Presidential nominee Gov. Mike Pence (R-Ind.) held a rally for Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump in Lansing Friday morning at an airplane hangar at AVFlight in the Capital Area International Airport.

His speech began after he arrived on his campaign jet, waving to supporters from the steps. Once on stage, he spoke to a crowd of hundreds of people about key points of Trump’s campaign.

Pence encouraged supporters to go out and vote for a strong leader and a better future.

“I choose a stronger America,” Pence said. “I choose a prosperous America. I choose to stand with Donald Trump.”

His speech focused on America’s need for stronger security, both abroad and in the country. He said Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton’s foreign policy was weak when she was secretary of state and will continue to be too weak if elected president. Pence said Trump won’t pay ransoms to terrorists, unlike current President Barack Obama and Clinton.

Within the country, Pence highlighted the campaign’s support of law enforcement officials. He said the government needs to back them and support what they do for the country, including give them more strength.

“President Donald Trump will support the men and women who serve the country,” Pence said. "We will restore law and order to every city and every community in this land.”

Pence’s speech also focused on the country’s economy. He said the economy is not expanding and Trump will put in place traditional conservative principles to bring growth back to the country. He said Trump’s tax plan includes lowering income and business taxes and eliminating the death tax.

Pence ended his speech talking about the Affordable Care Act. He said premiums are going up and affecting Americans too much. Pence said Trump will repeal Obamacare immediately when he is president, to which the crowd cheered.

Before Pence’s arrival, the rally featured several Michigan Republicans, including Congressman Tim Walberg and Attorney General Bill Schuette. Both encouraged supporters to vote for Trump and other Republicans in lower-ballot elections.

“You need to be all in, 100 percent, from Trump to bottom and bottom to Trump, and we will win on Tuesday,” Schuette said to supporters.

Business sophomore Ethan Lossing volunteered at the rally. He said he decided to volunteer to help the MSU College Republicans and the Trump campaign.

“There are a lot of reasons (for support),” Lossing, the fundraising chair of MSU College Republicans, said. “I’ve been behind him since the beginning because he’s not a normal politician. He’s not bought by anyone, certainly not Wall Street.”

Other supporters said they’re backing Trump because of the importance of the election. Midland resident Rob Bourne said the country cannot elect Clinton.

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“This is the most important election in my lifetime,” Bourne said. “It will affect many generations to come and I want my children and grandchildren to have the country my father fought for. Once we lose our freedom, it’s rare we’ll get them back.”


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