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MSU police arrest 22 over homecoming weekend

October 17, 2016
<p>Michigan State University Police Department on Aug. 29, 2015. Courtney Kendler/The State News</p>

Michigan State University Police Department on Aug. 29, 2015. Courtney Kendler/The State News

There were 22 arrests made on campus during Homecoming weekend, according to the MSU police Clery Crime and Fire Log.

Eleven arrests were alcohol-related charges and three incidents resulted in charges of disorderly conduct.

Other arrests during the weekend include retail fraud theft, trespassing and obstructing justice.

Overall, there were 36 crimes reported during the weekend with 10 still active investigations and two resulting in a citation. Of those active investigations, acts of larceny were reported six times.

Charges of burglary, damage to property and possession of marijuana are among the cases still being investigated. 

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