The time is short. What do we do about voting? What will be the impacts of voting on your life? Will students always face insurmountable debt? How will you survive financially without social security? Can you afford healthcare if you get sick or injured? Do you earn a livable wage? Do you have an interest in new employment that will improve the environment and bring back jobs to U.S. workers?
We are faced with the opportunity of a lifetime. Unknown to many voters, the Green Party candidate Jill Stein offers another option at the polls for the greater good. For students she guarantees free tuition and abolished student debt. She will establish an improved Medicare for all plan that will provide quality healthcare to everyone. She offers a $15 minimum wage and guarantees a livable wage for all. She offers an emergency Green New Deal that will turn the tide on climate change and establish 20 million new jobs in the transition to clean, renewable energy. Her plans are affordable with her plans on re-budgeting and reallocating finances.