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Minor-in-possession incident rate declining both on and off campus

October 9, 2016

The number of minor-in-possession, or MIP, arrests is trending downward both on campus and in East Lansing, MSU police Capt. Doug Monette said.

Monette said there have been 225 MIP arrests on MSU’s campus this year, as of Oct. 6.

In 2015, there were a total of 431 MIP arrests and there were 535 in 2014.

“We take alcohol education and enforcement very seriously,” Monette said. “Our officers and shift commanders are aware the concerns of alcohol and the problems they could present, as well as the safety of the community.”

Akers Hall led all residence halls in MIP arrests in 2015 with 30, according to a previous article from The State News.

East Lansing Police Department Lt. Scott Wriggelsworth said his department also stresses the issue of underage drinking. 

“It is part of our normal everyday duties, especially on nights,” he said. “Supervisors at ELPD (have) an evaluation system to ensure that officers are enforcing the laws properly. Included in those laws are MIPs.”

Wriggelsworth said so far in 2016, ELPD has issued 181 MIP citations. 

These citations include not just arrests, but also instances when a ticket was issued. 

In 2015, ELPD reported 306 citations and 387 in 2014.

“I think they (underage drinkers) should be smarter about stumbling down Grand River drunk,” music education sophomore Jack Tallman said.

Tallman said he thinks police would be able to enforce alcohol violations more efficiently by breaking up the disruptive parties on campus.

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