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MSU student allegedly damages multiple cars in drunken birthday joyride

October 17, 2016
<p>Michigan State University Police Department on Aug. 29, 2015. Courtney Kendler/The State News</p>

Michigan State University Police Department on Aug. 29, 2015. Courtney Kendler/The State News

An MSU student is facing charges of fleeing and operating a motor vehicle while intoxicated in an incident that occurred the night of Oct. 15, East Lansing Police Department Lt. Scott Wriggelsworth said.

The incident began when the student, on his 21st birthday, allegedly stole a car from a delivery driver while he was making a delivery.

Police found the suspect along Grand River Avenue, where a slow-speed pursuit then ensued.

As the suspect came to the intersection of Grand River Avenue and Abbot Road, he encountered multiple cars stopped at the intersection waiting for a green light, Wriggelsworth said.

Wriggelsworth said the suspect attempted to weave through the idle traffic, but hit several of the stopped cars. He was then arrested.

Wriggelsworth said the suspect will face charges at a later date.  

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