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City Council delays vote on Tin Can entertainment license

September 14, 2016
An East Lansing resident addresses the council during a city council meeting on Sept. 13, 2016 at East Lansing City Hall. The city council meets to take action on legislative matters on several Tuesdays of each month.
An East Lansing resident addresses the council during a city council meeting on Sept. 13, 2016 at East Lansing City Hall. The city council meets to take action on legislative matters on several Tuesdays of each month.

East Lansing City Council delayed approving an entertainment license brought forward by The Tin Can Bar at last night's meeting.

The license for the newly-opened bar, located at 313 E. Grand River Ave., was listed on the consent agenda on the meeting agenda. 

The bar wanted the license limited to allow only euchre tournaments, art contests, and DJ-hosted trivia. The council moved it to the business agenda, where it discussed adjusting the current entertainment licensing ordinance to better fit The Tin Can Bar’s plans.

Mayor Mark Meadows moved to defer the license approval to the Oct. 11 council meeting. 

Meadows said pushing the approval back will give the city enough time to adjust the ordinance.

“The ordinance is worded broadly, so they’d have the authority to do any and all things,” Meadows said. “If we didn’t make a change, they could theoretically have a 12-piece band and later say they were given the authority by having this entertainment license.”

The Tin Can Bar was denied an entertainment license when it was brought forward in the spring. The bar intended to add darts, Connect Four, water pong and table games.

Its new application was submitted June 8, according to the East Lansing city clerk office documents

The application explained how the entertainment license would be used and where it would take place.

“Art contest to take place on chalkboard walls around venue,” according to the application. “Euchre and trivia events to take place primarily in large rooms, at tables. Smaller room may be utilized for overflow.”

Meadows said the City Council is not trying to turn down their license application.

“Nobody has a problem giving them the license,” Meadows said. ”We just want it to be specific.”

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