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'Campus Fire Safety Month' sets focus on off-campus fire safety

September 11, 2016
<p>A building is left ruined Oct. 5, 2014, after a fire at The Landings at Chandler Crossings. Erin Hampton/The State News</p>

A building is left ruined Oct. 5, 2014, after a fire at The Landings at Chandler Crossings. Erin Hampton/The State News

Gov. Rick Snyder proclaimed September as Campus Fire Safety Month with a focus on off-campus fire safety.

The announcement coincides with the Federal Emergency Management Agency and the U.S. Fire Administration declaring September as National Preparedness Month.

Every college-related fatal fire since 2005 has occurred off campus, according the the U.S. Fire Administration. 

There were faulty smoke alarms in more than half of the incidents, according to the administration.

“If I was a young person looking to rent an apartment, one of my criteria would be sprinklers and fire alarms in the room,” East Lansing Fire Marshal Don Carter said.

Since 2010, there have been at least10 fires that have occurred in off-campus student housing, according to The State News archives.

Carter said there are some simple actions that can help prevent accidental fires.

“The easy answer is don’t have open flames in your home,” Carter said.

He said residents need to make sure they blow out candles before they leave the room, be extra vigilant if they smoke in their rooms and be aware of the hazard inattentive cooking can present.

“Some students do not know that it is not OK to leave a boiling pot of food on the stove and run to the store,” Carter said.

Mathematics junior Arianna Rowley said she makes sure she doesn’t fall asleep with candles burning and is careful that her charging cords do not fray, which is another fire hazard.

“I always blow out my candles and make sure the oven is turned off (before I leave my home),” packaging junior Maggie Vroman said.

Carter said it’s up to students to practice fire safety.

“When I talk to student organizations, I ask them to be responsible for themselves and for their housemates,” Carter said.

Hannah Lofts and Townhomes declined to comment. The Lodges of East Lansing, Chandler Crossings and Capitol Villa Apartments could not be reached for comment.

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