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Trump supporters hold unity rally in Cleveland

July 18, 2016
Long Island, NY resident Kennith Lane chants during a "Make America Safe Again" rally on July 18, 2016 at Settlers Landing Park in Cleveland, Ohio.
Long Island, NY resident Kennith Lane chants during a "Make America Safe Again" rally on July 18, 2016 at Settlers Landing Park in Cleveland, Ohio.

Day one of the Republican National Convention kicked off with support for presumptive Republican nominee Donald Trump throughout Cleveland.

America First hosted a unity rally in Settler's Landing Park in Cleveland, on Monday. A couple hundred people gathered to hear speakers and discuss this week's nominee, Donald Trump.

Many supporters, wearing "Make America Great Again" hats and "Hillary for Prison 2016" shirts, shouted and participated in the rally on shore of the Cuyahoga River.

Bikers for Trump stayed true to the promise made last week by organizer Chris Cox to have a presence in Cleveland throughout convention protests.

The group stayed between the stage and the crowd. Cox said there are thousands of bikers in Cleveland that are affiliated with the group.

Defending the groups "politically incorrect thoughts," Cox said, "It doesn't makes us racist, it makes us patriots."

Trends of the speakers included Trump's political incorrectness, Veteran support and a desire to Make America Great Again.

Speakers at the rally included Dr. Kelli Ward of Arizona who called out Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz. She will be running against McCain for his Senate seat in November.

"We have a fearless voice," Ward said. "Make America first again."

Prominent Tea Party member Ken Crow told personal stories about Trump. He said Trump once allowed children to ride around in his helicopter while in Iowa. Something Clinton and Sanders would never do, he said.

"America's hurting and he knows it," Crow said to the crowd. 

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Crow said the people at the rally and Trump supporters are Hillary Clinton's and President Barack Obama's worst nightmare.

He called on the crowd to get involved in Trump's campaign looking forward to the presidential run.

"Mr. Trump needs you," Crow said.


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