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Trump still without running mate, Clinton questioned by FBI

July 5, 2016
Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump speaks during a campaign rally at the Myrtle Beach Sports Center on Feb. 19, 2016 in Myrtle Beach, S.C. (Olivier Douliery/TNS)
Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump speaks during a campaign rally at the Myrtle Beach Sports Center on Feb. 19, 2016 in Myrtle Beach, S.C. (Olivier Douliery/TNS)


Trump tweet thought to feature anti-semitic undertones

A tweet posted by presumptive Republican nominee Donald Trump was widely criticized as anti-semitic on July 2. The image, a picture of Hillary Clinton next to a red six pointed star, reminiscent of the Star of David, was overlaid onto a background of $100 bills. The star contained the words “Most Corrupt Candidate Ever.” The tweet was later deleted and replaced with a circle containing the same message covering the star.

Trump was criticized for what many called an anti-semitic statement that made reference to the stereotype that those who practice the Jewish faith are always concerned with money. The replacement tweet can be found below. 

Trump family, celebrities speculated to speak at RNC, according to Trump

A tweet on July 2 from Trump claimed that the speaking slots for the Republican National Convention were “totally filled” but a list of those speaking wouldn't be released until July 6. Rumors have swirled that former Bears coach Mike Ditka, former heavyweight champion of the world Mike Tyson and former college basketball coach Bobby Knight would be speaking at the convention. Trump dispelled the rumors about Tyson and Ditka has since passed on the chance to speak. Slated to speak however, are members of the Trump family and former rival during the primaries, Ben Carson.

Trump VP talk begins to increasingly swirl

Rumors concerning Trump’s choice for a running mate have taken off since early May. But now the winds have increased and names of potential candidates have popped up frequently. Newt Gingrich, the longtime conservative leader, has entertained the idea but said he wouldn’t want to take the job if it didn’t include power to spur on action. Gingrich has yet to speak with Trump on the matter. Other names on the reported theoretical shortlists of VP candidates for Trump have included Jeff Sessions, U.S. Senator from Alabama, Chris Christie, New Jersey Governor and Mike Pence, Governor of Indiana.

Media outlets have reported and speculated that Trump will make his selection before the RNC. 


Clinton questioned by FBI

Hillary Clinton met with the FBI for three hours on July 2. The FBI questioned her on her private email server she had while she was head of the State Department.

"Secretary Clinton gave a voluntary interview this morning about her email arrangements while she was secretary," Clinton spokesman Nick Merrill said according to CNN. "She is pleased to have had the opportunity to assist the Department of Justice in bringing this review to a conclusion."

The interview comes during the investigation of Clinton and her private email server. The FBI recommended no charges Tuesday morning. 

Bill Clinton meets with Attorney General Loretta E. Lynch

Former President Bill Clinton sat down with Attorney General Loretta E. Lynch in a private meeting at Phoenix Airport last week.

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The meeting has been met with controversy and many sources have spoken out on its possible harm to the Clinton campaign.

Presumptive Republican nominee Donald Trump spoke out against meeting in a series of tweets.

Bill Clinton has yet to comment on the private meeting. Lynch said Friday she would accept FBI and prosecutor's findings on Clinton's email server investigation, according to the Washington Post.

WikiLeaks publishes Clinton emails

WikiLeaks published 1,258 of Clinton's war emails on Monday, according to their website and Twitter

All emails made references and messages about the Iraq War. This comes after the State department released several Clinton emails in February, according to The Hill.


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