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Meet the youngest Michigan delegate in DNC history

July 29, 2016
Canton, Mich. resident Ethan Petzold poses for a portrait on July 25, 2016, the first day of the Democratic National Convention, at the Pennsylvania Convention Center in Philadelphia, Pa. Petzold is a delegate and a supporter of Sen. Bernie Sanders, D-Vt.
Canton, Mich. resident Ethan Petzold poses for a portrait on July 25, 2016, the first day of the Democratic National Convention, at the Pennsylvania Convention Center in Philadelphia, Pa. Petzold is a delegate and a supporter of Sen. Bernie Sanders, D-Vt.

PHILADELPHIA – The 2016 Democratic nomination process has brought forward new members, for some it is their first exposure to a national convention — millennials.

The youth vote in the 2016 primaries and nomination process has been highly represented.

In March, 2.5 million people voted in the Michigan Primary, the most the state had seen in decades, according to The Detroit News.

For Ethan Petzold, the youngest Michigan delegate at the Democratic National Convention in history, Sen. Bernie Sanders was the right choice for him.

The 18-year-old will be studying non-profit public administration and political science at Central Michigan University in the fall.

"It makes me feel kind of humble that people would have that trust in me to represent the voters in my district," Petzold said. "And represent Democratic party values."

When he was young, Petzold said his dream was to attend a Democratic National Convention.

"Eventually, I do want to go (into) politics," Petzold said.

Petzold said he hadn't thought about running until the Michigan Democratic Party released their delegate selection plan and that's when he decided to go for it.

"I thought I had done a lot for my local Democratic candidates," Petzold said. "A lot of people knew me from my district and the Democrats that were active."

As for preparation, Petzold researched and read up on the upcoming convention including reading through the platform and understanding its pull.

"I am very pleased with the platform," Petzold said. "It's a platform that Bernie Sanders supporters should be proud of."

He discussed millennials' engagement in the political process, specifically what they see in the future. 

"Young people want change," Petzold said. "We're going into the political process, we're turning 18, we're going to college at a time when we see the rich getting richer and the poor getting poorer."

Petzold said young people saw something in Sanders and his restoration of "a future you can believe in," much like President Obama.

The price of college is something close to Petzold's heart when he thinks about change in the U.S.

"It's important that this is a priority issue for Democratic lawmakers," Petzold said. "Especially to take this to the Senate and push for higher education reforms."

He hopes to pursue non-profit work and that this experience will aid him the future.

"I'm just honored by that privilege people have given me," Petzold said.

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