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Kaine accepts nomination, Biden addresses convention

July 28, 2016
A delegate waves an American flag through the air on July 27, 2016, the third day of the Democratic National Convention, at Wells Fargo Arena in Philadelphia.
A delegate waves an American flag through the air on July 27, 2016, the third day of the Democratic National Convention, at Wells Fargo Arena in Philadelphia.

PHILADELPHIA — The third night of the Democratic National Convention saw essential speeches from Vice Presidential candidate Senator Tim Kaine, Vice President Joe Biden and President Barack Obama. Each speaker discussed the influence and need of Hillary Clinton.

Former New York City mayor Michael Bloomberg endorsed Hillary Clinton in a rousing speech that went after Donald Trump.

"Truth be told, the richest thing about Donald Trump is his hypocrisy," Bloomberg said.

Bloomberg discussed his independent status and the reason he doesn't choose one side exclusively.

"When the Founding Fathers arrived here in Philadelphia to forge a new nation, they didn't come as Democrats or Republicans, or to nominate a presidential candidate," Bloomberg said. "They came as patriots who feared party politics."

Senator Tim Kaine used his best Donald Trump impression to show what his true colors are in the election.

"I humbly accept my party's nomination to be vice president of the United States," Kaine said.

Kaine said his state's, Virginia, accomplishments were great work for citizens.

"We achieved national recognition for our work, best-managed state, best state for business, best state for a child to be raised, low unemployment, high median income," Kaine said.

Kaine celebrated the work of Sen. Sanders, who he had worked with during his career leading up to the nomination.

"And with Hillary, it is not just words, it's accomplishments," Kaine said. "She delivers."

Kaine used Spanish to talk to the crowd and described Clinton as "listo," or prepared.

Kaine concluded by calling voters to get with Clinton and her groundbreaking work.

"Hillary is ready. She is ready to fight. She is ready to win, and she is ready to lead," Kaine said. Kaine's work was brought up in several speeches including Vice President Biden's and President Obama's.

Perhaps the most memorable part of Kaine's speech was his statement about his son, when he said "on a personal level, as he is serving our nation abroad, I trust Hillary Clinton with our son's life."

Dr. Jill Biden introduced her husband to the crowd. 

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Biden started off his speech by going into the loss of his son, Beau.

"I've been made strong at the broken places by my love with Jill, by my heart and son Hunter and the love of my life, my Ashley," Biden said.

Biden then went into Clinton as a candidate and what she could do as president.

"Ladies and gentlemen, we all understand what it will mean for our daughters and granddaughters when Hillary Clinton walks into the Oval Office as president of the United States of America," Biden said. "It will change their lives."

Biden said Trump's front to say he cares about the middle-class is a bunch of "malarkey."

"The threats are too great, the times are too uncertain, to elect Donald Trump as president of the United States," Biden said.

Biden then went on to excite the crowd by saying, "Americans have never, ever, ever, ever, ever let the country down."

He concluded and said, "Hillary Clinton will write the next chapter in that journey."

President Barack Obama also spoke before the crowd and discussed Clinton's credibility. See more on his speech here.


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