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Hillary Clinton elected first female presidential candidate of major party

July 27, 2016

PHILADELPHIA — The second night of the Democratic National Convention focused on Hillary Clinton's "Fight's of her life." The theme included presentations from social justice to women and families.

But, the most important moment came when the Democratic National Convention hosted a roll call vote where delegates voted to nominate Secretary Hillary Clinton for President of the United States. 

Clinton obtained the 2,382 delegates she needed to claim the nomination after South Dakota put her over the top.

Other speeches began following Clinton's nomination.

The mothers of the movement — Sybrina Fulton, Geneva Reed-Veal, Lucy McBath, Gwen Carr, Cleopatra Pendelton, Maria Hamilton, Lezley McSpadden and Wanda Johnson — brought together eight mothers who lost one of their children to gun violence. 

The mothers received a standing ovation while the crowd shouted, "Black lives matter."

"This isn't about being politically correct. This is about saving our children," Sybrina Fulton, mother of Trayvon Martin, said.

Fulton said it was her son that made her want to attend the DNC and speak.

"I’m here with Hillary Clinton because she is a leader and a mother who will say our children’s names," Sandra Bland's mother Geneva Reed-Vealsaid said.

Actress Elizabeth Banks hosted the night and gave an unforgettable entrance depicting Donald Trump's at the RNC.

"As Secretary of State, she was a champion for women and girls around the globe," Planned Parenthood Fund President Cecile Richards.

Richard said women's health and reproductive rights were on the line this election.

"He says pregnancy is an “inconvenience” for a woman’s employer," Richards said. "Well, Donald Trump, come November, women are going to be more than an inconvenience."

During the roll call vote, Sen. Bernie Sanders asked delegates to transfer all of his votes to Clinton making it unanimous, out of unity.

Vermont's delegation passed to become the last vote and voted all 22 votes to Sanders.

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Sanders suspended the procedural rules and declared Clinton the nominee by acclamation.

Keynote speaker former President Bill Clinton gave an emotional speech about his life with Hillary.

Hillary Clinton surprised the crowd and appeared via satellite as the last speaker of the night.

"What an incredible honor that you have given me," Clinton said. "I can't believe we just put the biggest crack in that glass ceiling yet."

Clinton will give her acceptance speech at the fourth session of the Democratic National Convention, Thursday, July 28.


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