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Bill Clinton addresses being first husband of female presidential candidate

July 27, 2016
on July 10, 2016 at Adado Riverfront Park in Lansing.
on July 10, 2016 at Adado Riverfront Park in Lansing.

PHILADELPHIA — On the heels of his wife's Democratic nomination, former President Bill Clinton spoke to delegates and supporters at Wells Fargo Center on Tuesday.

With a personal touch, Clinton discussed his first impression of Hillary and the beginning of their life together. He spoke in a role that no man has ever been in, he endorsed his wife at a major party's convention. 

It all started in the Spring of 1971, when Clinton said, "I met a girl." Clinton shared several milestones of his and Hillary's relationship from the start.

From first conversation to the birth of their daughter, Chelsea, Clinton painted a picture for the audience of what his life has been like since he met "her".

"She’s the best darn change-maker I ever met in my entire life," Clinton said.

Clinton said it took three tries to get Hillary to marry him. "I married my best friend," Clinton said. 

"She compiled a really solid record, totally progressive on economic and social issues," Clinton Said. Hillary's work as New York Senator grew economic development, he said.

Clinton's admiration for his wife mirrored in his speech, while he expanded on each of her accomplishments and successes. 

"You could drop her into any troubled spot, pick one, come back in a month and somehow, some way she will have made it better," Clinton said. "That is just who she is."

In reference to the Republican National Convention, Clinton said Hillary is "real" as opposed to the "made up" Republicans. 

"One is real, the other is made up," Clinton said. "You just have to decide which is which, my fellow Americans."

Clinton said Hillary has earned respect from all those she's worked with in the past and presently. 

Closing out the Clinton's speech down memory lane, he called on the American people to think of the future.

"The reason you should elect her is that in the greatest country on earth we have always been about tomorrow," Clinton said. "Your children and grandchildren will bless you forever if you do."

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