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Burned American flag results in 18 arrests in Cleveland during protests

July 21, 2016
A police officer grasps a burned American flag on July 20, 2016, the third day of the Republican National Convention, in Cleveland, Ohio. The flag was burned by a protest group called the Revolutionary Communist Party.
A police officer grasps a burned American flag on July 20, 2016, the third day of the Republican National Convention, in Cleveland, Ohio. The flag was burned by a protest group called the Revolutionary Communist Party.

As day three of the Republican National Convention came to a close, flag burning, more intense protests and arrests took place during the day. The City of Cleveland and Police Department held a press update Wednesday night and Thursday morning to discuss the day's crime. 

Police Chief Calvin WIlliams said 18 people were arrested and all of those arrested were involved in protests. Arrest count throughout the RNC is now up to 23.

Protesters refused to disperse, following an order from police. Williams said they were verbally warned.

Williams said no mace or pepper spray was used, despite protesters claiming otherwise. Williams said a fire extinguisher was used on a protester who was on fire.

Williams said he hopes to finish the rest of the RNC on a positive note.

The arrests were not from burning an American flag, but the surrounding problems with lighting the fire and refusing to allow the officer to extinguish. Williams said burning an American flag is not a crime and those involved were not arrested for that reason. 

Two officers were assaulted, according to the Cleveland Police Department.

"We have been getting dozens of calls from folks who think something looks suspicious both in the neighborhoods and downtown," Williams said.

Cleveland Police set up a RNC tip line, 1-800-FBI, which has been helpful for police, WIlliams said.

"We have confiscated everything from gas masks to tent stakes," Williams said. Yesterday, a group was carrying around tennis balls, which are a banned item.

The arrests took place after the flag burning.

"There's a process we put in place for the RNC for arrests," Williams said.

The supposed "anarchy group" has caused the most problems with police, and Williams said they are only looking to cause problems.

"Those are the only people that are giving us any kind of problem at all," Williams said.

The first protester, arrested on July 20, was arraigned Thursday morning. Williams said open-carrying has not been a problem during the week.

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"It hasn't been an issue, nobody's been arrested," Williams said.

Mayor Jackson said following the protest last night was quiet.

"We still have an entire day to get through," Williams said on expectations from the outside for intense violence.


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