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Trump hails Brexit vote, Clinton takes huge lead on Trump

June 27, 2016


Trump Campaign Manager, Corey Lewandowski, Fired

Corey Lewandowski, the often fiery and “straight shoot(ing)” campaign manager for Donald Trump, was fired by Trump on June 20th. Reported by CNN, Lewandowski said he had no answer to questions over the circumstances of his firing. It has been reported that displeasure over Lewandowski from within the campaign, particularly from the Trump children, led to the firing.

Lewandowski was later hired by CNN to provide insight into the Trump campaign but he has remained loyal to Trump abiding by the non-disclosure agreement he signed with the campaign. Earlier in the campaign, controversy brewed over allegations of battery after Lewandowski grabbed and pulled former Breitbart reporter Michelle Fields away from Trump while she attempted to ask him a question.

Trump hails Brexit results

After landing in Scotland to promote the opening of his new golf course, Trump hailed the Brexit vote applauding British citizens for voting to leave the European Union. As usual his tweets drew criticism over a gaffe he made when he claimed Scottish citizens were cheering the Brexit vote, though Scotland as a whole overwhelmingly voted to remain apart of the E.U. 

His campaign and the populist of appeal of it, have garnered comparisons to the Leave campaign, which stirred up populist appeal to secure exit from the European Union.

Trump low on campaign cash

Trump has trudged along the campaign trail on his own money, claiming to be self-funding the long haul to the November election. But the pillar of a clean campaign based on donations from ordinary people and non interest groups, has left him with only $1.3 million on hand to fund his campaign. Hillary Clinton currently has $42.5 million on hand. 

The report filed with the Federal Election Commission on June 20, shows Trump’s Super PAC has only $500,000 in the bank.

It comes as as a reflection on Trump’s focus on tweeting and speeches to deliver his message as opposed to a “get-out-the-vote” approach by staff or an intent on securing ad-space on T.V. He currently employs only 70 staffers while Clinton has 700-plus staffers. 


Sanders Press Secretary, Symone Sanders, quits campaign

Symone joined the campaign back in August 2015, according to Fusion. Symone identified herself as the former press secretary for Sanders to Fusion.

“I believe in Bernie Sanders,” Symone told Fusion in January 2016.

Upon her departure, Symone continues to receive calls for Sanders' campaign to end and endorse Clinton.

Sanders gives speech at The Town Hall in New York, NY

“Our goal from day one has been transform this nation,” Sanders said during his speech to the crowd in New York. “And that is the fight we are going to continue.”

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Sanders spoke to nearly 1,250 supporters, according to USA Today.

After Clinton clinched the nomination, Sanders began to hear calls for him to suspend his campaign and unite behind Clinton.

Sanders wrote an Op-Ed for The Washington Post discussing the status of his campaign and 

"As we head toward the Democratic National Convention, I often hear the question, “What does Bernie want?” Wrong question. The right question is what the 12 million Americans who voted for a political revolution want," Sanders wrote.

Sanders continued to call for Americans to ask what they want.

"As Lincoln put it at Gettysburg, we want a government of the people, by the people and for the people," he wrote. "That is what we want, and that is what we will continue fighting for."

Clinton leads Trump in latest polls

In the latest from the Wall Street Journal/NBC News poll, Clinton holds a five percentage point lead over Trump.

The survey took place from June 19 to 23, the general election poll has Clinton at 46 percent with Trump behind at 41 percent.

Trump has been rejecting latest polls and their inaccuracy of Clinton leading.


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