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Grand Rapids-based band Desmond Jones started at MSU

June 23, 2016
Guitarist Chris Bota, left, and guitarist and vocals Isaac Berkowitz, right, of Desmond Jones perform Mar. 20, 2015, at The Avenue, 2021 E Michigan Ave. in Lansing. The concert was held in celebration of the release of their first physical extended play recording. Emily Nagle/The State News
Guitarist Chris Bota, left, and guitarist and vocals Isaac Berkowitz, right, of Desmond Jones perform Mar. 20, 2015, at The Avenue, 2021 E Michigan Ave. in Lansing. The concert was held in celebration of the release of their first physical extended play recording. Emily Nagle/The State News

Desmond Jones is no stranger to the Lansing music scene. A group of MSU students formed the group in 2012 and have since gradually established themselves as a nearly full time touring band.

“I love connecting with every person we meet who listens to our music and comes to shows, and other bands that we’ve met,” John Nowak, the band’s drummer, said. “Being able to travel and play’s all you can ask for when that is your goal and intention as musicians.”

Nowak, Isaac Berkowitz, Chris Bota and John Loria are recent MSU graduates, but saxophonist George Falk graduated from Brandeis University in Massachusetts. All five members are from Michigan, provide vocals and write original songs. Falk joined the band after responding to a Craigslist advertisement.

While the band’s genre is described as funk/rock/jazz fusion, it’s open to exploring other styles of music, including rockabilly and some country. Genres themselves can vary from song to song, so no two songs are alike.

So far, Desmond Jones has more than 55 original songs to its name. “Hot Ham” is a newer song written by Falk that is popular for dancing at shows. One of Nowak’s personal favorite songs is “American Dream,” an older song written by Berkowitz. Neither song has been recorded yet. The band rarely does covers.

Desmond Jones mostly performs throughout Michigan, but has also performed in Colorado, Indiana, Illinois, Wisconsin, Nebraska, Iowa, Kansas and Pennsylvania. The band hopes to eventually perform as far out as California someday.

According to Nowak, Desmond Jones doesn’t have any upcoming gigs around Lansing yet, but the city and MSU holds a special place in the musicians’ hearts.

“We started doing house parties at MSU playing on campus and around,” Nowak said. “We would play at least once or twice a month for more than 100 college students. Those were some of the most fun nights of our lives.”

Since 2013, Desmond Jones has released two EPs, which can be downloaded from Bandcamp, an online music-streaming store that mainly caters to independent artists. Currently, the band has no concrete plans for a new album yet, but it wants to try a live recording of one of its shows someday. “That’s when our music really comes to life and gets the most accurate representation of our music,” Nowak said.

Nowak also said band members eventually wants to make a fully produced album and try to get on the radio someday, but the live shows are the band’s main focus for now.

The band practices at least once a week and typically performs three to four shows per week while on tour.

Desmond Jones has held a free residency at the Tip Top Deluxe Bar & Grill in Grand Rapids since September 2015, where it performs every Monday night from 9:00 p.m. – 1:00 a.m. Nowak said the residency has been a great way for band members to connect with local fans and expand their market. About 50-75 people, typically between the ages of 21 and 30, show up to listen to the band every week, some of who have been coming every week since the band’s residency started.

“It’s almost like a family atmosphere when you’re there,” Nowak said. “It’s really turned out to be one of the best things for our band. We’ve had some awesome sets there. We look forward to it every week.”

Since Nowak, Berkowitz and Loria graduated in 2015, the band has been primarily based out of Grand Rapids. However, Desmond Jones highly regards its Lansing-area fan base. Nowak said the band has fond memories of getting its start at MSU and considers touring with the band as a way to travel with best friends.

“So much as come from just us making music together, which I think it so awesome,” Nowak said. “We’ve become a band of brothers, really. I think that’s just super cool that everybody plays a role and that’s all just because we make music together.”


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