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Park District buildings to be demolished by end of 2016

April 20, 2016
Supply chain management junior Dante Assade walks on Feb. 9, 2016 on Abbott Road. Kendick was headed to class.
Supply chain management junior Dante Assade walks on Feb. 9, 2016 on Abbott Road. Kendick was headed to class.

The City of East Lansing and representatives from WGR Finance, LLC met Wednesday at a hearing at the Hannah Community Center to discuss the future of the City Center II, or the Park District buildings.

For residents following the ongoing saga of Park District, the life of the buildings is nearing its end.

The City and WGR reached a settlement Wednesday to demolish the buildings by Dec. 31. Encompassed in that demolition plan are the 100 block buildings of Grand River Avenue. Those buildings are the old Citizen’s Bank building at the corner of Abbot Road and Grand River Avenue and the brown and white trim buildings with a the flaking “Thai Hut” banner.

The process of demolition could be expedited however, depending on state tax credits awarded to the properties that WGR is looking to retain. The City is allowing WGR time to get its plans in order.

Plans for the site have yet to be furnished by WGR but City Attorney Tom Yeadon said he expects WGR to produce the plans approximately by mid-May.

Following plans being laid forward, public hearings will be set by City Council to address the plans amongst itself and with the public before any decisions are made.

Also, on March 17, the City and WGR reached an agreement to demolish the abandoned apartment complex on Evergreen Avenue. That parcel is slated for demolition by July 31.

Check back at tomorrow for more.

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