Sunday, June 30, 2024

Former MSU football player turns to comedy after injury

March 13, 2016
Media and information senior Tony Lamont Jr. Fant performs stand-up on March 1, 2016 at the Union. Fant is performing a stand-up show at the Kellogg Center on April 8.
Media and information senior Tony Lamont Jr. Fant performs stand-up on March 1, 2016 at the Union. Fant is performing a stand-up show at the Kellogg Center on April 8.

From dodging tackles to tackling crowds, former MSU running back and media and information senior Tony Fant Jr. is diving into the world of comedy.

After an achilles tendon injury in his right heel, Fant had to end his football career at MSU.

Since January 2014, Fant has made several appearances at the University Activity Board’s Open Mic Night, Crunchy’s and at the Grand Rapids LaughFest.

“It was hard to adjust after football — I didn’t know who I was,” Fant said.

On April 8, Fant and three other comedians will be putting on a show at the Kellogg Center. All proceeds of the event will go to one of Fant’s friends, criminal justice senior Michael Collier.

Collier was involved in a car accident and had part of his leg amputated in the process. The performance is meant to help ease the burden of Collier’s medical bills.

Fant said his path to comedy hasn’t been an easy one.

His first performance was extremely difficult and did not go as planned, and Fant said after he had to take a month to get back on his feet. Since that moment, he has been optimistic about his future.

“It tanked, it tanked bad,” Fant said. “Since then, I love the progress I’m making.”

Hanging out with his friends and using his past experiences is how Fant said he gets the majority of his jokes.

“I’m more chill, I’m like that guy your mom told you to not be friends with,” Fant said. “I want everybody to relate, I just don’t want white jokes or black jokes.”

Fant said he admires comedians Dave Chappelle, Kevin Hart and Chris Rock.

“I’m a storytelling type of comedian,” Fant said. “I’m still an amateur, but all the greats started as amateurs so I am shooting high.”

Fant said his plans for the future involve becoming the “Comedian Crocodile Hunter.” He said he hopes to bring animals, comedy and education all into one package for his audiences.

“It is all about confidence,” Fant said. “I have a long way, but I just love doing comedy.”

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