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MSU theatre seniors showcased talents during break in NYC

March 14, 2016
Theatre senior Blaine Mizer sings at a senior showcase preview on Feb. 29, 2016 at Auditorium Building. All seniors will perform their full showcase in New York City.
Theatre senior Blaine Mizer sings at a senior showcase preview on Feb. 29, 2016 at Auditorium Building. All seniors will perform their full showcase in New York City.

Four MSU theatre students headed to showcase their talents in New York City during spring break. Blaine Mizer, Rosie Sullivan, Madelayne Shammas and Christi Thibodeau, who are all theatre seniors, created  products of scenes and songs and presented them for several agents in the New York City area through the Actors Connection program. The showcase was March 9 at 7 p.m.

Sullivan said she has been performing for much of her life and was looking forward to the opportunity in New York City. Sullivan’s mother and sister were great influences on her to pursue a theatrical career, she said.

“I grew up in the theater world,” Sullivan said. “My mom has a masters in costume design and I idolized my sister and wanted to do whatever she was doing, which was theater.”

For the showcase, Sullivan performed two pieces. One was a scene she performed alongside Thibodeau from the play "Fat Kids on Fire." The other was a vocal selection called “Perfect” from the musical "Little Fish."

Sullivan had an open mind about the performance.

“I don’t expect this showcase to jumpstart my career,” Sullivan said. “I just see it as getting out there and being seen. I mean, I’ll do anything. I’ll do a commercial, God damn it. I just want to be out there!”

In August, Sullivan plans to move to New York City with a few friends who are also acting hopefuls. She already has several auditions lined up for herself.

Sullivan said she feels the ”School of Choice” MSU Theatre Department adequately prepared her for her career in acting. 

Sullivan has worked closely with her current director for the MSU Department of Theatre's production of "Grease," member of the MSU theatre faculty Brad Willcuts. Willcuts attended the showcase with the students as a mentor, as he lived and worked in New York for many years.

“This is one of the best teaching moments the students can possibly have as a BFA,” Willcuts said. “This is the their time to talk with agents and casting directors. They’ll learn a little more about themselves, and hopefully something positive will come out of it.”

This showcase is something many underclassmen students look forward to.

“It was really awesome to see the seniors perform because that’s something we will be doing soon,” theatre freshman Grant Cleaveland said. “They’re all very talented, and I’m excited to see what they do after their time at MSU.”

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