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Chinese student organization celebrates the beginning of a new year

February 8, 2016

While most MSU students piled into dorm rooms to watch the Super Bowl, many Chinese international students spent Sunday night taking part in a beloved tradition.

The 2016 MSU Spring Festival Gala, held by Chinese Undergraduate Students Organization, or CUSA, is a local tribute to a Chinese Lunar New Year television program of the same name. Celebrating the Year of the Monkey, the Gala included a variety of talented performances by MSU Students, including song, dance and comedy.

“Around this time of year, a lot of international students get homesick, because for us Spring Festival is like Christmas, that’s the time you gather with your family and your friends,” business-preference freshman Jinghan Ni said.

Ni, one of the singers in the opening song, said she was invited to take part in the Gala after placing third in the ‘Voice of East Lansing’ competition, also held by CUSA.

“It’s not really possible for us to make it back home, so it’s really great for them to actually put the effort and time and money to… bring us this feeling of being at home,” Ni said.

Sparty also made an appearance, showing off his dance moves and DJ skills with the student performers.

“I just really appreciate everybody that came for the show,” journalism freshman and CUSA member Zimo Wang, the show’s director, said.“I (hope) more people come next year.”

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