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YouTube star speaks on issues of sexual assault at ASMSU event

February 4, 2016

YouTube star Laci Green takes issues of sexual assault and her commitment to battling rape personally. Green brought this with her to MSU Wednesday night when she hosted Taking Down Rape Culture, a discussion about the relationship between society and rape.

The event was put on by the Associated Students of Michigan State University, or ASMSU.

With more than one million YouTube subscribers, Green uses her media presence to reach millions about her commitment to battling rape and sexual assault.

“When I was at Berkeley, I witnessed a sexual assault and I did not say anything,” Green said. “To this day, I carry around a tremendous amount of guilt about it.”

During her presentation, Green used videos and statistics to point out areas, such as music, that she believes are major contributors to the issue.

“We have learned to see women through an objectified lens, that is what is normal to us," Green said. “I think that jokes that are about rape are particularly worthy of criticism because people already don’t take it seriously.”

MSU students were present and discussed the issue pertaining to life on campus.

“I think it is just as big of a problem here as anywhere else," zoology senior Megan Kastelen said.

With continued education Green said she believes there is an end to rape and sexual assault.

“You guys are where it starts," Green said. “Your voice, your actions really matter in a major way."

Students voiced their opinions about how to continue to work through issues of sexual assault.

“Education is the best thing you can do right now,” interdisciplinary studies in social science senior Tyler Bonanno said. “Have events like this, where people come together and talk about it.”

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