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Student theater group aims for 'edutainment' on sex topics

February 9, 2016
From left to right, psychology junior Katie Nitschke, genetics and molecular genomics sophomore Ellie Wise, and computer science sophomore Carter Chamberlain rehearse on Jan. 31, 2016 at Phillips Hall. Every semester In Your face Theatre holds auditions for perspective group members.
From left to right, psychology junior Katie Nitschke, genetics and molecular genomics sophomore Ellie Wise, and computer science sophomore Carter Chamberlain rehearse on Jan. 31, 2016 at Phillips Hall. Every semester In Your face Theatre holds auditions for perspective group members.

Sparkly capes, spandex and dildos are only a few staple props for MSU’s “edutainment” theater troupe, In Your Face Theatre Troupe.  

The Troupe is purposed for mixture of education and entertainment, or "edutainment," through a series of skits that ask students serious questions about usually uncomfortable sexual topics.

These topics range from masturbation to abstinence.

Director of the troupe and psychology junior Katie Nitschke said the Troupe has a mix of “serious” skits, but the group prefers to keep things humorous.

“We love some good humor,” Nitschke said. “We always ask people before they audition if they’re uncomfortable, because the biggest thing about our groups is being comfortable talking about these subjects.”

The troupe uses the same skits every semester, but changes them to fit the times and become more inclusive.

Recently, the Troupe added a skit with an asexual character. Inclusion, especially on the topic of sex, is very important to them, international relations freshman Dylan Colby said.

“Essentially, we don’t make assumptions,” Colby said. “We don’t assume that you’re straight. We don’t assume that you’re actively having sex. We just want to teach you how to be safe and just to make sure you’re ready when things happen.”

Anal sex, relationship abuse and consent are a few of the topics the Troupe performs for students.

The troupe's advisor Kevin Bator said "Condom Man/Woman" has become a fan favorite. The skit is an over-the-top showcase about how to put on a condom.

“We’ve got a skit for just about everything,” computer science sophomore Carter Chamberlain said. “It’s in the title of the group — in your face. Our goal is to say, 'let’s stop being afraid of everything. You can talk about it. Don’t be scared.'”

Bator said the Troupe always gets a positive reaction from students.

“The troupe is lucky enough to dive into topics universal to all sexes, orientations and partners,” Bator said. “We have a strong emphasis on communication within relationships.”

The Troupe is heavily connected to the Olin Health Center at MSU. Many of their skits reference back to services students might not be aware they can receive at the health center.

“So, we tell students in one skit about how you can get condoms, dental dams and lube from the Olin for free,” Nitschke said.

Overall, the In Your Face Theatre Troupe is all about opening the dialogue on sexual topics, and challenging the discomfort many students might retain from a background of bad sexual education.

“We’re not trying to tell you what’s good or bad,” Chamberlain said. “We’re just here to show you what’s healthy and unhealthy.”

In Your Face Theatre Troupe performs in dorms all across campus every Wednesday starting mid-February. Resident assistants or faculty advisers who are interested in setting up a show with the Troupe can contact for booking information. 

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