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MSU advertising professors sound off on Super Bowl commercials

February 8, 2016

While most were watching the big game Sunday night, some MSU advertising professors spent their evening rating Super Bowl commercials on a five-point scale with electronic clickers at the MSU Super Bowl ad rating party.

The ratings were based on creativity, production, copy quality, strategy and branding, said Robert Kolt, a professor in MSU’s Department of Advertising and Public Relations.

“The Prius ad was very surprising, it had a lot of twists and turns,” Kolt said.

Kolt said he also liked the Doritos commercial, which came in second place at the advertisement rating event.

The above pie chart shows the results of a survey of 100 MSU students who were asked what their favorite Super Bowl 50 commercial was

A lot of old celebrities, animation and talking animals were utilized in Super Bowl 50’s ad lineup, Kolt said.

Saleem Alhabash, an assistant professor in MSU’s Department of Advertising and Public Relations, said he was also a fan of the Doritos advertisement.

“The Doritos ad was super funny,” Alhabash said. “It was a very smart idea.”

Alhabash said it comes it comes down to more than just humor to make a successful advertisement.

“In order for the ad to grab people’s attention, it needs to have a strong emotional appeal,” Alhabash said. 

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