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New vapor shop opens in East Lansing

February 1, 2016

A new vapor shop, named Exscape, has opened up on M.A.C. Avenue adjacent to The Riv bar.

The location as well as East Lansing itself was hand-selected by managers of the eXscape company in New York because of the electric and contagious atmosphere, floating manager Brian Martignetti said.

“We want to be a part of this community,” he said.

Martignetti recounts a time he was preparing the shop for opening during a basketball game day. As students walked by, excited for the game, he knew this community was a perfect environment for the type of shop his company is trying to open.

Martignetti said his company wants to create an all-encompassing environment for its patrons, one friendly to all residents of the community.

The store will even showcase home furnishings and stools to make shopping in the low glass cases easier.

“We want to make it a friendly and homey environment,” he said.

Martignetti even mentioned the hiring of local glassblowers to create new products.

What sets them apart from the other smoke and vape shops, Martignetti said, is their dedication to being “educated on the product.”

All of the vapor products and juices have labels so customers will know exactly what they are putting into their body.

“As a company, we have to put extensive research into our product,” he said. “We want you to be educated as well.”

Students are also excited about the arrival of the new smoke shop and lounge.

Psychology sophomore Nicole Westerberg feels community-oriented shops like these help people quit smoking.

“Becoming part of a community or making a community larger helps in spreading certain ideals to those who aren't aware of other alternatives,” she said.

In this case, Westerberg said shops like this one help provide a “positive outlook and helpful people instead of usually being surrounded by such a negative stigma.”

Martignetti agreed with this notion of a friendly vapor community aiding smokers and explained this is precisely why his company wants to be so involved with the community, to help remove stigmas.

Plans for an official grand opening for the shop are still pending, Martignetti said.

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