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Winter weather expected during first week of classes

January 11, 2016

Winter is coming to the Lansing area this week, according to the National Weather Service, and for the first week of classes students might need an extra layer under their coats. Sunday was expected to be cold and windy, approximately 27 degrees, whereas tonight there will be a 40 percent chance of snow showers.

Regular snow is expected throughout the rest of the week, with 2 inches coming Monday night and throughout Tuesday. Wednesday gives a slight reprieve with only a predicted half inch of snow. The remainder of the week will have slight chances of snow showers.

It’s unlikely there will be the same kind of wet weekend East Lansing experienced, as temperatures are expected to hover between a low of 10 and a high of 30 degrees. The biggest weather concern to look out for is wind speed.

Windiness will stay in the area for the rest of the week, though it is expected to calm down by Tuesday night. Expect gray, cloudy skies and be sure to dress warmly, especially if biking or walking to class. With freezing temperatures headed to the area, be on the lookout for possible black ice and be sure the car brakes checked.


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