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Fourth teen sentenced in killing of MSU student in 2014

January 28, 2016

Christopher John Foley, 18, pleaded no contest to conspiracy to commit murder and was sentenced to three to 15 years on Thursday in the 2014 murder case of MSU student Dustyn Frolka.

Prosecutor Dianna Collins alluded to the fact that Foley had been involved in discussions prior to Frolka’s death about the best way to react if Frolka had a weapon when they robbed him and said Foley recommended they hit Frolka in the ribs.

Collins said Foley was not in the vehicle when the assault occurred against Frolka but was present when the co-defendants drove to Saline to burn his clothes.

“This is a sentence he deserves and he has earned,” Collins said.

Before Judge Darlene A. O’Brien of the Washtenaw County Trial Court made a decision on sentencing, Frolka’s sister Colleen made a statement about the impact of his death on her and her family.

“He was a father, a student, a musician and that bright future was ripped away from him all to soon,” Colleen said. “Our lives were planned knowing Dustyn would be just a phone call away.”

Foley, who was 16 at the time of the murder, is the last of four suspects to be sentenced in the case. Brendan Heim, 18, is serving 32 to 60 years in prison for felony murder. Samantha Grigg, 20, was sentenced to 6 to 15 years in prison for manslaughter and Tyrel Bredernitz, 20, drew a 25- to 38-year sentence for second-degree murder.

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