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Council members, leaders from Flint discuss current issues with COGS

January 28, 2016
Flint councilman Herbert Winfrey speaks to the audience during COGS Meeting about the Flint water crisis a on Jan. 27, 2016 at International Center.
Flint councilman Herbert Winfrey speaks to the audience during COGS Meeting about the Flint water crisis a on Jan. 27, 2016 at International Center.

Two members of the Flint City Council attended MSU's Council of Graduate Students', COGS, first monthly meeting of 2016. The meeting took place on Jan. 27 at 6:30 p.m. inside the International Center.

The guest speakers shared their thoughts on the Flint Water Crisis, addressing concerns of race, class, the state’s emergency manager laws and official reluctance to declare a federal ‘disaster’ in Flint, which would provide additional relief funding.

COGS was also joined by five public figures from Flint via video chat for the discussion.

Flint's City Council President Kerry Nelson and Councilmember Herbert Winfrey were present and spoke at the meeting.

“I do not believe that people should be paying for the water they cannot use now. If it had been in a more affluent community, there would have been more due diligence done before a decision was made to go to a water source," Winfrey said.

Winfrey also said the state's governor needs to fix Flint's infrastructure along with help from the state and federal governments at no cost to the citizens of Flint.

Pastor Dave Galbraith of the Peace Presbyterian Church in Flint said the children of Flint need to be kept in mind.

“If we had a bunch of rich people living in the city of Flint, it would’ve been fixed instantly," Galbraith said. "We’re looking at little children, never done anything wrong in their lives to deserve anything like this, and they’re being forever changed."

The discussion occupied the entirety of the allotted meeting time forcing the rest of the council’s agenda items to be postponed.

“I think the event as a whole had a meta purpose, of informing graduate students, making sure graduate students are involved.” COGS President Sudha Sankar said.“What our guests articulated today, some of it was confirming what we already suspected, some of it was adding to what the problems already are. They’ve provided us with information and are looking to us to research and produce some solutions, to collaborate with them in coming up with those solutions.”

Nelson said he believes MSU students can make a difference by staying involved in the political process.

“What we need you guys (MSU students) to do is to stay on top of the government, and make sure you vote,” Nelson said.“Don’t say your vote doesn’t matter cause it does… Be involved. Keep us in your prayers, but be involved. Know what’s going on. If you have a question to ask, ask. Go to your city council meetings, go visit the mayor. Ask he or she the questions that need to be asked. That’s what you can do for us.”

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