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MSU student who threatened School of Packaging receives reduced bond

December 18, 2015

Sydney Gort, the MSU junior charged with two counts of making terrorist threats in the MSU School of Packaging, was approved a request on Friday morning for a personal recognizance bond by 54B District Court Judge Andrea Larkin.

The personal recognizance bond will allow Gort to stay with her mother — who is visiting from Illinois — in West Bloomfield, Mich, until after Christmas. Gort will then reside with her godmother in Southgate, Mich.

Her bond was reduced from $100,000 to $25,000 at ten percent.

The decision to release Gort comes after a psychological exam, which concluded she was of no threat to the public and posed no threat of fleeing. The option to stay with her mother and then godmother — which were not living options in Gort’s prior hearing — also helped in Judge Larkin’s decision to release her.

Gort will be under standard bond rules and will not be required to wear any sort of tethering device such as a GPS tracker or have any sort of curfew during her personal recognizance period.

On Dec. 23, Gort will return to the 54B District Court for her preliminary examination hearing. 

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