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Sigma Alpha Epsilon raises more than $25,000 for former brother battling cancer

December 11, 2015
<p>Some of the brothers of SAE&nbsp;brought Burger Rama at the Riv to Alex while he was going through chemotherapy last fall at U-M. From right to left are: Chandler Berlin, James Brophy, Diego Messina, Andrew Jelso&nbsp;and Alex Berlin.</p>

Some of the brothers of SAE brought Burger Rama at the Riv to Alex while he was going through chemotherapy last fall at U-M. From right to left are: Chandler Berlin, James Brophy, Diego Messina, Andrew Jelso and Alex Berlin.

Less than one week after graduation, Alex Berlin who graduated from MSU in 2014, was diagnosed with Ewing’s Sarcoma — a rare and aggressive bone cancer located in his right leg. After intense bouts of radiation and chemotherapy along with a surgery to successfully remove the remnants of the tumor, he was declared cancer free this past March.

Members of Berlin's former fraternity, Sigma Alpha Epsilon, decided to bring Paddy Murphy Week to MSU to raise money for Sloan Kettering Cancer Center after watching Alex's fight with the aggressive disease.

Paddy Murphy Week included three days of events in which sororities competed for a $1,000 donation to their charity of choice. They were awarded points for participation and for donating — the sorority with the most points at the end of the week was awarded $1,000 for their charity.

The original plan was to send the majority of the donations to the Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, donate $1,000 to the winning sorority’s charity and use a small portion of the donations to purchase a brace for Berlin's foot as the surgery to remove the tumor from his leg left him with nerve damage, causing him to suffer from drop foot.

However, plans quickly changed after receiving bad news from the Berlin family.

Shortly after concluding fundraising efforts, the fraternity found out Berlin's cancer had returned. This time in his lungs. While still awarding the winning sorority $1,000, Sigma Alpha Epsilon decided the remaining funds raised during Paddy Murphy Week needed to be used to support Berlin — all $16,000 of it. 

Alex Berlin's younger brother Chandler Berlin, an active member of Sigma Alpha Epsilon and former Alumni Relations Chairman, also started a CrowdRise fundraiser to help with the expenses associated with fighting cancer, including flights to various hospitals around the U.S., more advanced leg braces for his drop foot and medical expenses not covered by insurance.

As of 11:30 a.m. on Dec. 11 the campaign had raised $12,695, which brings the total funds raised for Berlin to $28,695. 

Jack Brodeur, Sigma Alpha Epsilon's Paddy Murphy Chairman, said the effort put forth during Paddy Murphy Week says a lot about the character of the brothers in his fraternity.

"We never really had our philanthropy event, but had the desire to give back," Brodeur said. 

"Cancer research and Ewing’s sarcoma has been really close to us because of Alex and I think that helped get everyone behind it to make it a good first year," Brodeur said. 

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