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Chick-fil-A coming to Lansing area

December 7, 2015

The popular fast food chain Chick-fil-A will be opening in the Lansing area in 2016.

Midwest regional communications manager of Chick-fil-A Brenda Morrow confirmed the new location and said they had been hoping to serve the Lansing area for a while. 

“Chick-fil-A is always looking to grow in new locations and is looking forward to coming to Lansing,” Morrow said. “We can confirm that Chick-fil-A plans to open a restaurant at 5617 W. Saginaw near the Lansing Mall in either the third or fourth quarter of 2016.”

Morrow said the plans for this location are still premature, but the new eatery will be a boost for the Lansing economy. 

"Chick-fil-A is always evaluating potential new locations in the hopes of serving existing and new customers great food with remarkable service,” Morrow said. 

“It has been a longtime goal of ours to serve customers in the Lansing area and we look forward to the possibility of joining the community. A Chick-fil-A in Lansing would create 80 to 100 jobs.”

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