Friday, June 7, 2024

Weekend weather expected to bring wind speeds in the 40's, waves as high as 20 feet in Lake Michigan

November 12, 2015
<p>A pedestrian walks by with an umbrella Sept. 10, 2014, on Grand River Ave. Thunderstorms are expected later this evening, according to the National Weather Service.</p>

A pedestrian walks by with an umbrella Sept. 10, 2014, on Grand River Ave. Thunderstorms are expected later this evening, according to the National Weather Service.

According to National Weather Service meteorologist Evan Webb, this weekend's weather will be less than ideal and will bring strong winds.

The strongest winds Thursday will be moving through the area during the night and will steadily decline as the weekend approaches. Gusts of wind Thursday will be around 45 mph and will drop to 40 mph Friday. 

With 40-45 mph wind, there is typically no damage done besides trash cans and objects that are not secured being blown around, Webb said. Winds in the 40's could also detach dead limbs from trees. 

Lake Michigan will also be affected and waves could reach as high as 20 feet offshore. A gale watch has been issued by the National Weather Service in Grand Rapids for the Lakeshore and is in effect from Wednesday evening through Friday afternoon.

Friday's high will be around 41 degrees with a good chance for a mix of rain and snow. Snow could be mixed in the rain, but it will not stick. 

Saturday morning temperatures will hover around freezing at 31 degrees. However, it will be mostly sunny and the temperature will rise through out the day likely into the mid upper 40-degree range.

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