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Third female drum major for Spartan Marching Band reflects on her leadership role

November 15, 2015
<p>Then senior drum majorette Shannon Black leads the Spartan Marching Band in the pregame performance before the home football game against Maryland on Nov. 14, 2015 at Spartan Stadium. Black is the third female to lead the Spartan Marching Band in MSU history. </p>

Then senior drum majorette Shannon Black leads the Spartan Marching Band in the pregame performance before the home football game against Maryland on Nov. 14, 2015 at Spartan Stadium. Black is the third female to lead the Spartan Marching Band in MSU history.

It’s more than the pregame show or assistance in rehearsal. To drum major Shannon Black, her job is leading and engaging with her fellow band members and it’s a job she is more than happy to do.

Black, an elementary education senior, is only the third woman to hold the leadership position. The first woman joined the band in 1972 and the first female drum major joined in 1993. Black said she doesn’t think the lack of women in the position is a deliberate choice, but rather a result of how people perceive the position.

“I don’t know if it’s necessarily like a, ‘she’s a girl, she doesn’t know how to do it,’” Black said. “Or if it’s society-wise, girls are kind of trained to be more passive and not as aggressive. You know, ‘bossy’ is such a girl word.”

But, Black said some aspects of her position are different for a female leader.

“The only thing is, when you’re learning vocal commands, a man voice is always considered to be stronger, with the deep voice,” she said. “So when I’m giving vocal commands, it’s a lot higher and a lot squeakier, but I think it’s just a matter of getting used to that I’m not a man and I don’t have a man’s voice but that still doesn’t mean I’m not able to be in command or be direct.”

Clearly, Black is up to the challenge. She said leading has always been something on her radar. She joined the band in the Big Ten Flag Corps as a freshman, where she stayed for two years before becoming the drum major as a junior.

She said she was always interested in learning the pregame routine and felt she could handle the leadership role because of her people skills. As time went on, she saw that she was more than a leader on the field.

“I think through the process of my audition, I became more aware of the leadership and the ability to make changes in our organization,” she said. “Kind of just being more aware of the people aspect and making sure people feel taken care of. I’m a teacher — I like to teach and make sure everyone feels involved and loved. So I think over time that’s been the biggest motivation for me to do what I do.”

"Even people that I don’t know, know that I’m the drum major, which is cool because it gives me an opportunity to be a good, positive image for not only our band, but our university as well."

Black said she is humbled with the support she gets as being “the face of the band.” She said kids always come up to her and ask to take pictures with her.

“People know who you are,” Black said. “Even people that I don’t know, know that I’m the drum major, which is cool because it gives me an opportunity to be a good, positive image for not only our band, but our university as well.”


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