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East Lansing Public Library set to close for renovations

November 10, 2015

The city of East Lansing has set a date for closure to prepare the East Lansing Public Library for renovations. 

The library will be closed to the public from Dec. 7 until Jan. 10 in preparation for the eight to nine month renovation project.

The renovation project is slated to be completed by August 2016.

During the closure, the library’s collection will be moved to the south side of the building and collection items that will not fit in the reduced floor plan will be packed up and stored and a construction wall will be built.

No items will be due until after the library re-opens on Jan. 11.

While the library is closed, all digital resources will remain available to patrons — the library's book drop will also remain open.

When the library re-opens on Jan. 11, approximately one-third of the floor space and collection will be accessible to patrons and the first phase of the renovation project will be underway.

The renovation of the interior of the library is taking place thanks to donation of $1.5 million from a library patron and includes the enhancement of the children’s area with an early childhood literacy area, the expansion of teen space and the Maker Studio, the addition of a cyber café with vending machines and the reconfiguration of the floor plan to create more open space.

The renovation will also allow ELPL to plan for the future with added data and electrical outlets, mobile shelving and furniture and small group meeting spaces.

“This is a wonderful gift to the library and the community,” East Lansing Public Library Director Kristin Shelley said. “We have the opportunity to create the library that the East Lansing community deserves.”

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