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East Lansing calls for Michigan artists to paint downtown murals

November 11, 2015
<p>Artist rendering of how the Grove Street alley would look after the mural project.&nbsp;</p>

Artist rendering of how the Grove Street alley would look after the mural project. 

The East Lansing Arts Commission is currently accepting proposals from Michigan artists interested in creating a commissioned public art mural in downtown East Lansing. Ami Van Antwerp, communications coordinator for the city, said the city has yet to receive any proposals with the deadline set for Nov. 16.

The public art mural will be one of the focal points of the East Lansing Artist Alleys project, which will revitalize and redesign two public spaces in downtown East Lansing.

Artists can download the Request for Proposals on the city's website

Van Antwerp said typically proposals come in at the last minute.

Van Antwerp said the city encourages students, residents of East Lansing and artists all over the state to submit their ideas for the mural which is planned to have an East Lansing theme.

“The main reason for this mural project it enhance out alley ways and create a sense of place," Van Antwerp said. 

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