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Students pursue love of gaming through video game design

October 16, 2015
<p><strong>Courtesy of Spartasoft</strong></p>

Courtesy of Spartasoft

Making video games is a dream for some gamers out there, but for some students it is a reality.

Spartasoft is a game development organization, which focuses on preparing undergraduate students for the game design and development minor.

This organization is not limited to people interested in the minor — anyone who has a passion for learning about how to create their own video games can join.

“I think the biggest thing that (people) should know about Spartasoft, is that they don’t need to have any skills in game development to join," media and information senior Connor Kurtz said. "You just need to want to make games, and we’ll teach you from the ground up." 

Kurtz has been involved with Spartasoft since his freshman year and is currently serving as the president of the organization.

Spartasoft was established at MSU in 2001 and has grown significantly since then.

During weekly meetings, the executive board along with some advanced members help the new members get adjusted to the game design software.

Each week, members will learn about the different components when it comes to game design. This will include 3-D art, programming, design and much more.

Spartasoft also holds "game jams" where the members are put into groups and are given 48 hours to create a game.

“We recommend that a lot of the new members go to the first (game jam) because we’re there to help,” Kurtz said.

They use Unity, which is a game engine that can be used to create video games. Kurtz described Unity as user-friendly, easy to learn and free for anyone to use.

The organization has an impact on students because not only are they learning how to make video games, they are also getting prepared for the minor.

"Basically, we prepare them and they get introduced before development and then once they're actually in the minor, they already know how to do it whereas other classmates are just starting out," Kurtz said.

Spartasoft has meetings every week on Wednesday at 7 p.m. in room 120 in the Psychology Building and they are always looking to add new members.

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