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Random Acts of Kindness club gives back to MSU

October 11, 2015
<p>Courtesy of Do Random Acts of Kindness club</p>

Courtesy of Do Random Acts of Kindness club

This quote is what student organization Do Random Acts of Kindness, or Do RAK, lives by.

Sina Ghobadi, a world politics junior and president of Do RAK explained the purpose of the organization.

“Do RAK is focused on promoting compassion or kindness across campus.” Ghobadi said. “We’re all about making someone’s day better and making sure people’s acts of kindness don’t go unnoticed.”

The club started at MSU in 2011, but went inactive in 2013.

Last spring a group of students, who currently serve on the executive board, reinstated the group on campus to promote giving back.

“It’s a great club for getting together with people and doing good acts of kindness and helping the community,” Katie Solomon, psychology sophomore and Director of Public Relations, said.

Do RAK is open to all students at MSU who are interested in giving back to the community.

The group is working toward encouraging new members to join the organization and help them promote being active in the community through the acts of kindness.

“People should join because personally it’s a lot of fun to give back to the community, do community service and do kind deeds for other people,” Ghobadi said.

Do RAK is partially sponsored by ASMSU.

Some of the work Do RAK has done includes volunteering at the Haven House, random notes of encouragement and an activity which members have said is their favorite — Random Snacks of Kindness.

As part of Random Snacks of Kindness, the group passes out snacks to hundreds of students.

This upcoming year, the group is looking to do a lot more around the MSU and East Lansing community.

The group is planning on doing “random snacks of kindness” again to give back specifically to the students at MSU.

Physiology junior and vice president Luke Schichtel said, “I think it means a lot for people to see that there’s a club specifically meant for making people’s day.”


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