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Crunchy's can now sell alcohol on-the-go

October 9, 2015
<p>Lansing resident Patrick Sandoval enjoys a burger on Sept. 3, 2014, at Crunchy's.</p>

Lansing resident Patrick Sandoval enjoys a burger on Sept. 3, 2014, at Crunchy's.

Crunchy's will now be able to sell alcohol on-the-go due to a change in its special use permit approved by the East Lansing City Council at the Oct. 6 city council meeting.

“This establishment I think is a nice part of our community and it does serve a wide number of patrons throughout the week," Council member Kathleen Boyle said. "I think it’s ideally suited to growlers because of their extensive craft beer menu, so it was a natural step for them to take.”

The decision to approve the plan was unanimous.

Michael Krueger, general manger of the restaurant, said the change will allow for the sale of packaged beer and the filling of growlers.

“This is an example of a kind of restaurant that is a niche in our market that feels like home to some people and those are the kinds of businesses that are really important to our community to have that kind of hometown feel," Mayor Pro Tem Diane Goddeeris said about Crunchy's. 

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