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Current East Lansing City Council members give their endorsements

October 27, 2015

East Lansing City Council elections will take place Nov. 3 with three seats up for vote. There are six candidates and only one incumbent running. 

Council members Ruth Beier and Susan Woods, whose terms do not expire this year, in addition to Mayor Pro Tem Diane Goddeeris and Council member Kathleen Boyle, whose terms will expire on Nov. 3 and have chosen to run in this years' election, have each picked candidates to either endorse or support.

Ruth Beier

A council member since November 2013, Beier said she is endorsing Erik Altmann, Steve Ross and Mark Meadows.

"I am just looking for people who will think and compromise instead of saying, 'Oh I got the votes, so too bad for you,' which is how its felt for the last two years," Beier said. 

Beier said she doesn't think much will change if these three are not elected and that there two ways to view city issues currently. 

One view is everything is going well and council should continue down the same path, while the other view is there are issues which need to be addressed, such as the clump of vacant buildings on the corner of Abbott Road and Grand River Avenue.

Beier said she feels she has had an impact on the city, but not as much influence as she would like as she was usually the voting minority on certain issues.

"If they (residents) actually want to change something and make it better they should vote for Altmann, Ross and Meadows," Beier said. 

Susan Woods

Woods, who has also been on council since November 2013, said she is endorsing Nathan Triplett, Shanna Draheim and Jermaine Ruffin.

"One of the things that I am very committed (to) is making East Lansing vibrant, active and well-rounded as possible. I think these three candidates have that same vision," Woods said.

Woods also said all three of the candidates she is endorsing have a clear idea of the city finances and are not "chicken little-ing" or panicking unnecessarily because they realize the city has received a AAA bond rating.

Diane Goddeeris 

Goddeeris was appointed to council in 2006 and has served as both mayor and mayor pro tem. She said she is "endorsing" Draheim while "supporting" Triplett and Meadows. 

Goddeeris said she has worked with both Triplett and Meadows for a significant amount of time while Draheim brings skills from her time on the commission on the environment and is a policy analyst who is ready to start on day one.

Kathleen Boyle 

Boyle, having served on council since 2012, said she is supporting Triplett and Meadows and has donated to both of their campaigns.

“I look at what they have done in the past and what I think they will do in the future," Boyle said. "I think we have some very good candidates this year. We should be winners no matter what the final decision is.”

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