Tuesday, June 25, 2024

W.J. Beal Botanical Garden to host music concert Friday afternoon

August 6, 2015
<p>Clair Ross &amp; Matthew Sedatole performing a Horn Duo for the audience in the W.J. Beal Botanical Garden at lunchtime on Friday, July 24. Photo Courtesy of the Peter Carrington, assistant curator of the Garden. </p>

Clair Ross & Matthew Sedatole performing a Horn Duo for the audience in the W.J. Beal Botanical Garden at lunchtime on Friday, July 24. Photo Courtesy of the Peter Carrington, assistant curator of the Garden. 

MSU's W.J. Beal Botanical Garden will be hosting it’s third “Music in the Garden” event, put on in conjunction with the MSU College of Music, on Friday from noon to 1:00 p.m.

The event will feature a performance from Oleg Bezuglov and Natalia Bezuglova, who play the violin and piano, respectively, performing classical jazz for all in attendance.

According to the garden’s assistant curator, Peter Carrington, the duo will perform near the main staircase entering the garden, which is located near the entrance to the MSU Main Library.

Carrington said the event allows families, students, anyone to bring their lunch down to the garden, sit back and enjoy some music.

Carrington said even though the event has not been held in about 18 years, they have gotten a good response and turnout at each of the events.

“Well, I mean people seem to have a good time, they all applaud pleasantly at the end,” he said. "Except for that one time the rain got to us, the weather has been beautiful and it’s a very beautiful place to sit and eat you lunch down there."

Carrington said the previous two events have seen around 60 to 65 people on hand to enjoy their lunch hour in the garden. 

Frank Telewski, the W.J. Beal Botanical Garden curator, said the Music in the Garden event that was rained out on July 17 has been rescheduled for Aug. 21, and he said they are exploring possibly having one more concert this summer once students return but do not have a commitment from any performers as of now. 

Carrington said that since the garden maintenance has been transferred to Infrastructure Planning and Facilities they are unsure if they will be able to put on this type of performance next summer.

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