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Moonlight Film Series begins tonight in E.L.

July 9, 2015

Thursday, July 9, 2015, marks the start of East Lansing's Moonlight Film Series, where a family friendly movie will be shown every Thursday night for the next six weeks.

“It’s just a time for families and everyone to hang out,” Community Events Assistant Heather Surface said. “It helps promote the community of East Lansing and you can get to know your neighbors.” 

Surface said the film series is a free event for all ages, and there is also live music playing for an hour before every film.

“We thought it would be a good opportunity to give a chance for local performers to perform,” Surface said.

Goombas Pizza will be there selling popcorn, pizza by the slice, and whole pizzas, Surface said, as well as having small giveaways which correspond to the theme of the movie.

Surface said the screening will be cancelled if it’s raining. Cancellations are announced on the City of East Lansing's Facebook page.

According to cancellations will be reported as early as 5 p.m. and as late as 7 p.m. on the day of the screening.

The Moonlight Film Series is held at Valley Court Park, located at 280 Valley Court.  

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