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VIDEO: Northern Tail Dog Park provides a valuable resource for pet owners

June 9, 2015

Dave Drake, a resident of East Lansing, knew Willie was the dog for him when he visited a friend’s house and the now 3-year-old Basset Hound/German Shorthaired Pointer mix jumped over the back of the couch and sat down right next to him. 

“If you have a good dog and you are a good owner, there is a special bond,” Drake said. 

That bond between dog and owner has grown since Willie’s adoption. One of Willie’s favorite places is the Northern Tail Dog Park,  located at 6400 Abbot Road next to the softball fields. It is an off-leash dog park and a good place for Willie to burn some energy, according to his owner. 

Willie likes to swim in the pond and meet other dogs at the Northern Tail Dog Park. The park is two and a half acres and was constructed in 2007, according to East Lansing Parks, Recreation and Arts offices. There are no user fees for the fenced-in park, which has double gates for secure exit and entry. 

The park is a good resource to exist in an urban environment with a lot of apartment complexes, according to Rachael Hodder, Haslett resident and owner of a 4-year-old Jack Russell Terrier mix named Lucy. Hodder said the park is the only place she can let Lucy off her leash for unhindered fun. 

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