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VIDEO: East Lansing Farmer's Market kicks off seventh season

June 10, 2015

The ringing of a bell by Mayor Nathan Triplett opens up this year's East Lansing Farmer’s Market season. The park is filled with families and their kids, people walking their dogs and students who are visiting the market for the first time.

East Lansing Farmer’s Market began its seventh season on June 7 with vendors selling produce that ranged from organically-grown vegetables to homemade desserts. The market was filled with people all eager to buy homegrown produce. The vendors at the market come from all over Michigan and everything they produce is grown or raised in Michigan.

Customers love the face-to-face interaction a farmer's market provides because it allows them to actually meet the people who are growing their food.

“You can actually talk with the person that actually grows (your food), which is pretty cool compared to not knowing what you are buying from the store,” said Niki Sullivan, resident of East Lansing.

The relationship building between the customer and the vendors is also important to the vendors. Jynell Veverka of Wildflower Eco Farm enjoys the fact that she is providing quality food to people.

“It’s kind of a good thing, knowing that when you are selling food to people that you are selling them food that is good for them, that’s safe for them and give them the opportunity to meet the person that handled and grew and planted the food that they are about to eat,” said Veverka.

For some students at MSU, this is their first time going to a farmer’s market and seeing what they have to offer.

“This is my first time at the Farmer's Market and I love it,” said Morgan Bujold, an applied engineering sciences sophomore at MSU. “I love how everything’s fresh and organic.”

Mark Ebener of the Fresh Lake Whitefish Company sees the East Lansing Farmer’s Market as the perfect example of a farmers market.

“This farmer’s market is my ideal of what a farmer’s market should be,” said Ebener. “Locally situated so that people can walk from their homes and can come here right after church, bring their kids and go out for an afternoon with the family, bring their dogs. To me, it’s a really people-friendly family market.” 

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